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Lion’s Mane Mushrooms


Lion's Mane Lion's Mane are very absorbent, so avoid washing or soaking them with water when you're prepping them. Instead, clean them with a dry brush, gently brushing away any dirt or debris. If your mushrooms are very wet, you may want to wring them out and lay them on a towel to dry before [...]

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms2022-02-11T06:02:55-08:00

Shiitake Mushrooms


Shiitake Shiitake mushrooms taste rich, meaty, and buttery when cooked. While you can eat shiitakes raw, their flavor is much more pronounced and developed when they're cooked. The stems of the shiitake mushroom are stringier and harder than the cap, and you can cut off the bottom half of the stem — or the entire [...]

Shiitake Mushrooms2022-02-11T06:04:53-08:00

Blue Oyster Mushrooms


Blue oyster What are blue oyster mushrooms used for? Blue Oyster mushrooms can be used in a variety of dishes, especially soups and pastas. The flavour is unique and delicious. All parts of this mushroom are edible but the stems and base can be a bit chewy – so chop them finely as they can [...]

Blue Oyster Mushrooms2022-02-11T06:05:10-08:00

Honey Mushrooms!


Honey Mushrooms grow in the Fall and are a real treat! Just when you think the "wild" mushroom season is over, here they come! Be sure to thoroughly clean "wild" mushrooms before cooking and NEVER eat them raw. These compliment a Fall stir-fry (with daikon radishes and bok choy!), roast beautifully, or enhance the flavour [...]

Honey Mushrooms!2016-12-12T12:14:16-08:00



The absolute best wild mushroom around. Every part of it can be consumed, and although many recipes explain how to savour every piece of them, we just saute them lightly in butter and pepper and enjoy! The are not cultivated - so Mother Natures determines how many we have and for how long!! Enjoy the [...]

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