Grass Fed 1In 1986, Carlo Petrini founded the International Slow Food Movement as an alternative to the fast food culture that emerged following the First World War, as vehicles and drive-thrus became increasingly common. Petrini urged people to rediscover the joy that comes from to taking the time to grow and prepare good food.

At Bryson Farms, we subscribe to the Italian-thinkers way of doing things. We raise our cattle on a 100 per cent grass-fed diet. That means that instead of a fattening regimen of grains and corn, which cause rapid weight-gain, we allow our herd to develop at a slower, healthier pace.


Not only does this lead to a better herd, but it also creates a quality end-product for consumers. Our beef and prepared ground-beef products are healthy, lean and still pack a great flavor.

What you can expect when you buy beef from Bryson Farms

  • Organically-raised in a cattle-friendly and sustainable environment
  • Hormone-Free
  • 100% Grass-Fed with Certified Organic grass and hay
  • GMO-Free
  • Antibiotic-Free
  • Watered from tested Spring water wells